Women´s Fellowship
FeG Women’s Fellowship is the women’s ministry of FeG Mülheim and is specifically geared towards helping women realize their potential and understand their calling. There is also emphasis on ministering to hurting women with the sole aim of giving them hope, irrespective of their situation or circumstance.
This fellowship seeks to engender godly relationships with fellow women, especially the hurting, so that their strengths are positively employed. THE CHOSEN WOMEN is responded with “we stand strong”, this is to equip the women to be a verbal witness and to persist in the place of prayer for herself, her family, church, community and most importantly to develop a thriving relationship with God. The Chosen Women are also encouraged and guided as to how to serve the body of Christ with their spiritual gifts, talents, and financial resources.
The Fellowship will have monthly as well as annual events, times where we will invite other women to come together with us for awesome time of fellowship and worship whilst being empowered by words from seasoned Men and Women of God.
Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. – Romans 8:30