You are invited to worship with us this and every Sunday for a life-changing experience.
To develop a personal and meaningful relationship with our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
To join a community of Christians serving God and others faithfully.
To build a progressive Christian faith life that reflects the truth of the
Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To find answers and solutions to life’s pressing problems.
This ministry works together with the Technical department of the church to ensure vibrant worship services and by the special grace of God we have gotten our media unit where audio and video messages and worship services are produced. Soonest, you shall have the opportunity of watching our worship services live online.
Our Objectives
To promote the kingdom of Christ by preaching the gospel to people through the power of Holy Ghost.
To develop the ministry of information technology with the members of the church.
To raise all godly available support for the Ministry.
To unite and empower all other ministries of the church
To promote Church activities to the whole world.
To relate and fellowship with other brethren all over the world.
To keep abreast members in that squad with the on going at home fellowship.
To organize the pastors and the church members.
To do research work for further expansion of the gospel.
Your Time & Gifts Can Make a Real Difference in People’s Lives